I have a problem with wrong paths. Before installation of CC4 I created folder Reallusion on my E: disk for the content that will be stored. I dragged some makeup on my character and when the makeup was loading the error occurred. It seems like CC4 thinks the content is on my D: disk. Very...More
After updating this morning to the latest (4.12 something), ALL of my morphs have disappeared, although the packs are still installed. Headshot, Reaper morphs, Dawn, Dusk and Baby morphs, Human Anatomy, Ultimate Morphs, all of it. Nothing is left except standard, base morphs. They were all...More
I'd like an export option to export the game mesh with the head on its own material and the body on another. Currently the resolution on the face is not what I need it to be with the materials combined on export...More
Our problem occurs when we are trying to export an FBX of a character; when we export we get a warning stating that the avatar requires a license. When we check unpurchased packs it does not identify what is missing specifically. In our pipeline, our characters are shared between multiple machines...More
Hi Support-Team, I am new to Character Creator and i have a big Problem with the CC4 Camila Actor. I Just double click on Camila then rotate her face in viewport to show the Problem part in her face and then i start the Iray Render Preview. Only this 3 steps....More
For a future update to Character Creator 4, I think that it would be quite helpful if a couple of parameters were introduced that could give artists the capability of either generating a new character completely at random using the artists' entire material/asset library, or by giving the artists...More
I can't seem to use the Virtual Human Heads pack found here https://www.reallusion.com/ContentStore/Character-Creator/Pack/CC-3D-Scan-Series-Virtual-Human/default.html Steps: Create new project...More
Everytime i import a non standard character from blender , if its quads and non tris, i have shading issues Do i always have to convert them in tris? or is there any other solution? Thank you...More
Hello. You have said that the "standard" pose is by design.. But all characters now look broekn::Add an alternative pose like in CC3 that resembled a more A-pose All my own characters now look broken and it's a pain in the @ss to look at....More