The problem is that AutoSetup plugin (or RLPlugin) is distributed as pre-compiled dll named "UE4Editor-RLPlugin.dll" in folder Binaries/Win64. It works for non-programmers, but... The problem....More
I wish there was a export setting to separate the head and body meshes. I believe this would be more efficient in game engines that utilize blendshapes/morphs. Though you'd have two skinned meshes instead of one, only the head would have blendshapes since the body's verts aren't affected...More
I'm running into a bit of a problem when exporting a cc character to unity. I'm exporting an fbx file with two LOD levels, but when I go into the settings window, the open mouth option is greyed out. While this is totally acceptible for the two created LOD levels, I would like to have the...More
It seems like a bit of a oversight, or perhaps there was a reason behind it. I, for the life of me, cannot figure out how to set up proper IK bones inside of UE4. I can set up VIRTUAL bones inside the engine, but it's just not the same. Whenever I export out of CC3 straight to engine, and I...More
Bringing characters from DAZ to Character Creator takes a lot of time. It would be good to have at least the option to have multiple instances of character creator running. Otherwise, I cannot do anything all this time....More
---------------------------------------------------- Graphic engine used: Unreal engine 4 Character creator 3 pipeline: character set up ready to play with simplified bones all by default...More
We got one for Unreal, but the Unity Autosetup is over a year old and doesn't support any of the new features like hair shaders and skingen layers. The CC3 product keeps getting better but if we can't export to Unity then the enhancements don't do me much good....More
ExPlus is almost useless to those of us working in game development if these ARKit blendshapes are stripped out of any character that's been converted to GameBase. I know the lack of polys will make the expressions less subtle but stripping them out completely is a huge mistake. We could really...More