ISSUE 1: 1. I tried opening my save project but it always open the default female. I always need to go to File>Open project then replace all avatar and textures ISSUE 2:...More
When AutoSetupForUnity runs, it replaces the first line of scripting defines in the Unity player settings, instead of appending new defines. Of course this causes all kinds of compilation errors and other disasters as it deletes essential defines used by other assets and scripts. Please do...More
I create a character in CC3 latest using headshot and ultimate SkinGen, then go to File->Export to FBX. I choose the Unity preset. My unity project has the latest CC3 importer plugin. The character is imported more or less fine. However - as you can see in the attached image - there are two...More
Hello there, I'm having some problems with a coat that is also placed over the wrist. i attached a image. left is CC3 (where it looks like it needs to be) on the right is the export with the unity template (only happend with the unity template). both parts from the coat on the wrist are rotated...More
exporting fbx for ue4 with merge uvs by type creates maps that all match except for the orm map. the diffuse and normal maps generated line up perfectly but the orm map is completely different on where the mesh islands are located. this creates terrible lighting/roughness/specular/metallic...More
I have a problem with the rig when exporting to Unity. I attached a image of my issue. Left is a default CC3+ character which you can see bends quite badly when arms aim up (and down). Right is how it should be. I can supply a sample project if needed, but it is bigger than the max file size...More
programı açıyorum ama ekran görüntüsündeki şeyi diyor ve sonra ok a bastığım zaman bi dosya kaydediyor belgelere sonra bişeyler yükleniyoor sonra kapanıyor cancel diyincede loading default project de kalıyor ve açılmıyor...More