Space Mouse Pro from 3D Connexion in CC4 work perfectly but not in Iclone 8. I have update to Iclone 8.2 and I have update the last driver to Space Mouse Pro, and it works perfectly in CC4 but not in Iclone 8 in any updated version, when I try to move the Space Mouse the screen start to move...More
I've reported several apparent bugs many of which you claim not to be able to repeat During my own investigation I noticed that the RLRunUtility.exe that's in the windows start up list, that references StartRLCMS.bat. In the C:\ProgramData\Reallusion directory....More
In 3DXchange7 the Export FBX button featured the option "Include Geometry" which if unchecked would exclude the Mesh and Textures from the export, which allowed for fast iterations to get the animation data added to an already configured Mechanim character in Unity. Now that IClone 8 does...More
Iclone 8 was crashing near the last frame when rendering, so I started removing elements from the project to figure out what it might be. Someone suggested in a post it could be the hair. I removed the hair and it rendered fine since. I went a step further and figured out it was more specifically...More
We can already create Presets in CC4, but we just need to be able to access those presets at Puppet & Edit Motion and Mocap time. These custom presets would need to be saved with the Character in CC4 and available to users in IC8 to be able to switch to any parts (Custom Presets) at any time...More
I blocked out an animation using stepped keys as one should, I need to now set the tangents to auto/spline but there is no way to do it. This application is very difficult to use for an animator, the options available are not intuitive at all. I select all my keys but i cannot set the tangents...More
I have a problem using vehicle interaction with iClone 8 I think this plugin is broken It does not know the path and direction of the animations...More
The crash occurs consistently and for sure is related to avatar's hair. I've replaced the avatar with others to which, in CC4, I attached the same hair, yes, it's crashing. If I'm replacing the hair with another one, there's no crash. Crash doesn't seem to be related with the MP4 encoder -...More