This bug is back : On some frames, iclone adds 2 keys on the same frame instead of modifying the existing keys. Modify frame 2647 or 2656, iClone move the key, but on frame 2652 iClone...More
Reach Target has an option to "Create Dummy" (which I love, btw) but the issue is that the pretty box it creates is NOT a dummy. I have to manually "Set as dummy" in the Modify panel myself, otherwise it renders out if still visible....More
Regardless of what scaling setting / compatibility setting I use, iClone's dockable areas take up too much of the screen when at 4K resolution, even when they prevent me from shrinking them any further. I have tested setting my Windows DPI scaling down from its recommended 250% to 100% and...More
I have some IC7 projects containing avatars with accesories/subprops (let's say earrings). These avatars are linked to dummy props moved at different coordinates. When I opened these IC7 projects in IC8, those accesories/subprops appeared "exploded", totally away from the character. Here's...More
Hello, I just bought AccuFace. I have purchased other Motion LIVE products, and they work fine, though some did take multiple tries to correct/hot-fixes. I am using a Logitech BRIO 4K. When I launch Accuface, I can see myself, no problem, trackers are working and everything. I launch iClone...More
I don't think it's a bug, more a limitation of IC8, but it definitely makes the user's job worse that when the camera uses depth blur, the motion blur intensity slider doesn't work. IC 8 motion blur is really nice, but if i need to use it with DOF, i have to work in a separate layer anyway...More
if you enable toon shader, the shadow doesnt cast on the floor if you enable that floor as dummy but to receive shadows this was working in iclone 7 see attached images...More
Loading an iClone 8 template character or using and imported Ureal skeleton. Savig and loading hand gestures does not work properly, setting one or the other hand and loading internal gestures sometimes work as setup, sometimes override both hands, sometimes saved handgestures doesn't work...More
Hello Reallusion team. Would you consider collaborating with the upcoming Sony Mocopi product release to make it compatible with Iclone 8? Have a look at what Rokoko started to do :