Hi Good software in motion terms, cuz no software like this can u animate in real time. But i notice some features are missing, i know those are difficult, but those would be good to make the 3d model more realistic. For example wrinkles, motion onto breast to make boucing, compression, expansion...More
Import facial animation data from FBX. An FBX of same format as what iClone exports when exporting clothed character. iClone currently does this with body animation data. Can repimport FBX into iclone for further edit to body animation track. The same for facial animation track would really...More
When using Unreal Live link to transfer a character the process runs until it reaches a point as shown in the attached image as produced. Then nothing further happens. From the task bar I can see that the two Unreal apps are working, however, after several minutes (+/- 15 minutes) they will...More
I keep crashing after changes are made to my scene. Super annoying and I have spent a lot of money for this software to still be buggy for over a year now....More
I work with high width resolutions projects (> 6200px width). If I keep the viewport on that resolution (see attached example), and the render window is set for render images, iClone always crashes when I try to save the project. To replicate it, make a new project (empty or not), set the...More
In Iclone 7, I could link a Camera to a Character’s Root Bone and it would link the actor’s position to the camera, no rotation. In Iclone 8, the position and rotation is inherited, so the Camera shows a jerky motion as it is linked to the actor’s position and rotation. I have none selected...More
Dear Reallusion team, The option in the face puppet motion tool to record it at 50% speed no longer works. Currently the only way to work around this issue is to set the timeline speed to a lower speed. I always record animations at a lower speed, so this is an essential option for me. Best...More
Dear Reallusion team, As mentioned above, artifacts appear when material has opacity maps. I've tried it with all shader styles (Traditional, PBR, DigitalHumanShader) and it always looks like the image below. This makes it difficult for us to use volumetric lights as the results don't look...More