iClone 8
Released in 8.33
Issue 10901
AccuFace is not connecting to Motion LIVE

I just bought AccuFace. I have purchased other Motion LIVE products, and they work fine, though some did take multiple tries to correct/hot-fixes.
I am using a Logitech BRIO 4K. When I launch Accuface, I can see myself, no problem, trackers are working and everything. I launch iClone, then go to the Motion Live Plugin. I put in the numbers from AccuFace and it failed to connect.

I followed the instructions to change the last three digits "999" to "1000". That did not work, either. I also tried multiple numbers.
I went to Control Panel and made sure the programs had access via UDP and TCP (I did see it is TCP). I restarted the programs; I ran them in regular mode and in Admin mode. The numbers did not change, nor did the connectivity. I changed the numbers again, and I got nothing. I tried different USB ports for the BRIO camera. Again, the numbers did not change, nor did the apps connect.

I turned the VPN on and off. I ran through all of the above again. No change whatsoever. I made sure my Windows Firewall was open for this, I added the folder for Reallusion to my virus/malware protection. I even turned it off briefly and ran through all of the above again. Nothing.

I tried the HotFix here, because I also have two Ethernet ports connected to my workstation:

Sadly, this did not work, either. I am all out of ideas. I really need this to function for a project, and I would sincerely appreciate any help to get this working. Thank you.

Processor AMD Ryzen Threadripper 3970X 32-Core Processor 3.70 GHz
Installed RAM 192 GB (192 GB usable)
Device ID B057E527-864C-47D9-8AFA-E6C04C289B35
Product ID 00330-80842-26323-AA433
System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
GPU: NVIDIA RTX 3090 (24 GB of VRAM)

Edition Windows 10 Pro
Version 22H2
Installed on ‎7/‎10/‎2022
OS build 19045.3570
Experience Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.19052.1000.0
OS: Windows 10
  •  2
  •  1091
Submitted bycontactalejandrofranceschi

As I stated above, in my original post, I **already** had tried the hotfix connection issue, and mentioned that it did not work. All my other plugins are working, but this is not. In times past, it has been mentioned you program for Intel chips, and AMDs tend to get lesser attention. I wonder if anyone is looking at this? Could someone please review and provide a hotfix, or inform of when we might be able to expect a proper update? Thank you.
Feedback Tracker Admin
Hi contactalejandrofranceschi,

We have releases a new version.Can you update and try it again?Thanks.

Feedback Tracker Admin
Hi contactalejandrofranceschi,

They are two different hotfix versions.Can you capture a fail message to us?

Feedback Tracker Admin
Hi contactalejandrofranceschi,

I'm very sorry.We have a hotfix version,please see more from below link.If you have any questions,please let me know.Thanks.
