The material panel seems to go away randomly. you can only bring it back when switching to the scene panel and explicitely de and re-select the item there. IIRC this happens when using STRG+Z or deleting something from the scene. See attachments...More
Each time I apply an atmospheric light preset iclone deletes my sound track as well. Please provide for an option to stop this behaviour. Also please add an option to also not delete my camera settings and camera animations....More
There are two problems 1. missing baked physics track on the timeline -the option to show or hide it doesn't seem to exist. 2. we can no longer right click on the character to remove the vertex/baked physics animation in the viewport,...More
Hi, There are two issues I recently encountered: 1. Panning/dragging timeline doesn't work when using ALT + middle mouse button anymore. The mouse hand changes to open hand but nothing happens when I move the mouse....More
1- Depending on where you want to place a prop in a scene it appears very often at an infinit distance. Even you place it for example on or near the shoulder of a char or something. As higher you place it in the scene as farer away its placed. See attached image....More
My vehicle Interaction does not work properly since the 8.5 and AccuPOSE updates. Can I used the motion packs purchased in AccuPOSE plugin? The software will crash and the "Target Vehicle Prop" data field does not show in the Vehicle Interaction Control Panel. I'm using the "Full-Size SUV...More
1. Lock axis says look axis on modify panel. 2. Azimuth and altitude seem to be switched. When locking prop on y axis, setting the altitude limit to 0 while looking at x axis on other prop, the prop that does the looking rotates in a vertical direction and doesn't rotate in a horizontal...More
Hello, i hoped this Issue would be gone by now, sadly its still present
I created custom navigation controls that worked initially, but now when I close and reopen the project, my preferences reset to default. I created the following navigation settings: keyboard = none + orbit = MMB; and keyboard = none + pan = RMB, but now I am unable to get that configuration...More