Hallo, currently I'm working with iClone 8 and AccuLipps. The system crashes so often, I don't know how many hours have been wasted. The problem always occurs when I try to adjust the wording or place it in the right position. Then the system hangs and closes. This happens sporadically, but...More
I'm not sure the best way to explain this so I might need to record a video of the issue I'm having, its when I get large objects into iClone its like they disappear when I have certain views, then re appear back again when I move elsewhere, I'll upload a video to show what I mean https://drive...More
Problem 1. I have a soft cloth plane and a sphere merged because they both contain skin weights connected to each other. 2. When using the Prop Puppet tool, it only works with objects/non avatars with physics enabled - I can enable soft and rigid body for each within the multi-mesh prop but...More
Let me start by saying that Morphs handling by Morphs Creator in IC8 has been improved. For the most part importing OBJ files has been stabilized in many aspects. There are however some critical issues which need to be addressed in both IC8 and CC4....More
Dear Reallusion, This might sound a bit harsh but I think those words put it well my frustration: I just got a new computer and I want to setup Reallusion Hub and all my software - but HOW/WHERE THE FUCK DO I DOWNLOAD IT? The Reallusion.com is clustered with all kinds of offers and trial...More
hello, upon loading any character downloaded inside iClone 8 from a character pack or a scene formerly from iClone 7, well, this causes Iclone 8 to crash every time! Unworkable at present....More
Das hier ist alles eine Zumutung für Benutzer mit deutscher Muttersprache . Es gibt keine deutsche Anleitung, weder im Handbuch oder in den Tutorials. Es ist eine unglaubliche Arroganz von reallusion gegenüber anderssprachigen Interessenten ihrer software. Und mein Englisch ist nicht so schlecht...More
After new clean PC install without 3dXchange I cant find the folder where to put *.3dxProfile files to let iclone load them automatically. Tried to copy them into the Reallusion folder in \Public documents but it does not find them I see other motion profiles in CC4 characterization menu...More