Let me start by saying that Morphs handling by Morphs Creator in IC8 has been improved. For the most part importing OBJ files has been stabilized in many aspects. There are however some critical issues which need to be addressed in both IC8 and CC4....More
When importing an FBX created with Blender, multiple Shape Keys were previously detected as Morphs, but iClone8's Morph Creator does not detect them anymore. This occurs when importing an object created in blender with multiple shape keys and exported as FBX. In the past, I would get an alert...More
Hello, I tried using the Joint Driven Morph Plugin, but when I try to load it I get this error: <class 'ModuleNotFoundError'>, File: C:\Program Files\Reallusion\iClone 8\Bin64\Lib\site-packages\shiboken2\files.dir\shibokensupport\__feature__.py, Line: 142 <class 'AttributeError'>, File...More
Hi I've tested the software, first able i can say is the best cuz its so hard to find a software on which provide the best quality on animation, textures etc. Well done :) The things that the software needs to rock on and be unstoppable is the following things:...More
Been trying to use Morph Creator for while now because I find it very useful towards creating tertiary/subtle animations. Unfortunately, in iClone versions 8.3, this feature is not working. Or unable to launch....More
I was under the impression I could lip synch a character, so my situation is like this. I have 3D Mesh and Boned Cat, I am trying to work out how to convert it or map it to be able to use the lip synch....More
Think fast, video AI based on keywords is just around the corner. If people can, they will - drop manual animation and native rendering for a complete solution at a fraction of the cost. This is perfectly fine, no worries of the possibility of users ditching ic8 or cc4 in the future, because...More
OK so I can’t seem to understand why you’re more focused on unreal and it seems like Iclone8 is just a $500 unreal plug-in I see you doing more tutorials on using iClone in conjunction with Live links and unreal but unreal is a free piece of software, so I am a bit confused on why you’re focused...More
An optional Window that displays the Undo History stored in memory. The user could open this window to view their history after making an error or experimenting. This allows users to bypass the need for excessively undo/redo and can save time and work from being lost....More