Have tried two versions for rendered video output. *.mov & *.wmv. It appears to render and gives all the prompts as if it is going to produce output but fails to write the file. I'll try other output just in case. If it is related to the PopcornFX plug-in, I do have it installed. Followup...More
I have just installed the latest updates to iClone, 3DXChange and Character Creator. I have also installed the PopCornFX plugin and the assorted files that I purchased. All of the content is Watermarked, and then tagged as "Trial"...More
This is really bad to find out that I've been working so hard to build my cartoon only to be dismayed my the lack of integrations you have available. This hurts so bad to find out that the programs you use can't be used on Mac OS systems. How is it that you can download Cartoon Animator 4 on...More
After iClone 7.7 update, there is no light emitting from popcornFX, such as when I drag i.e. a Torch Fire into a scene, the fire behaves right in an animated sense, but there is no light coming from the fire and bouncing off of other objects in the scene. I do hope this bug gets fixed soon...More
I was working on my project and it crashed with this message "Instruction at Referenced Memory Could Not Be Read" When I reopened it, it said I have an unsaved project and I restored it, yet it was giving that message again "Instruction at Referenced Memory Could Not Be Read" Now every time...More
Hi, I am creating an animation where the car accelerates from idle and then accelerates several times. But in each acceleration I decided that fire comes out of the exhaust, the fire comes out in each acceleration but when the fire does not exist, the light of the fire still exists. And I...More
Did not work in 7.6 or 7.7. Installed latest version of Popcorn FX Plugin, no change. Technical support have same issue and asked me to report it here. https://www.dropbox.com/s/4eoglk668j61fsd/Flow%20move%20dummy%20not%20working.mp4?dl=0...More