After the latest update, Curve Editor plugin crashes iClone when started with right mouse click on a clip. If started from plugins menu, there is no crash, but it does not show any curves from a clip (sampled of course)...More
What if you were able to mute one part of the motion clip. For instance, you mute the legs part of the motion clip, so when you blend the motion clip with another motion clip (exp arms) it would give you the ability to combine the motion clips. I attached an image to make it clearer....More
I'm trying to export facial animation that I've captured with acculips and faceware, but any changes I've made to the talking style editor don't save out in i-talk file, motion plus file and more importantly in an fbx file that I'm exporting to Unity...More
There is a *major* problem with baking Reach IK keys: When you bake Reach keys on a Motion clip, either directly with the Bake Reach Key option or indirectly via Collect Clip export, it adds unwanted up and down motion on the hips/center of gravity at seemingly random points in the active clip...More
When i try to save a project file to disk, which contains 1 minute of baked hair physics, iClone freezes at 80 % and then locks up. The project is fairly large (2.5 GByte on disk), but can otherwise be saved and rendered without problems. I noticed that when i only bake a few seconds of the...More
Hi there, i've a problem when I go live from MVN with suite and Manus prime, do you have any suggestions? All the body and hands are fine , there is a problem with a finger, the thumb finger, look like is in reverse mode....More
Note this is a - feature request ! 1. Disconnect the hips movement / rotation / tilting against the feet when foot / ground control is activated and using the gizmo (z) to drag the feet onto the ground In essence the hips should stop any added translation / rotation when the feet hit's...More
I've exported tracked cameras with a reference mesh from Blackmagic Design Fusion to iClone and it's absolutely critical to have both the camera and a reference object the same size & position when imported. We can import and set the scale of a camera but the objects don't have the same feature...More
I have run into a serious problem with Motion Layer keyframe animation. While hand animating keyframes on the Motion track using the Edit Motion Layer panel, both FK and IK, when changing the translation or rotation on a control, if a key already exists on that frame instead of overwriting...More
Dear Reallusion! I bought Iclone pipeline (CC 3dxchange) in september from you. The program runs on Nvidia GTX 1080 series. Until december was no problem with running Iclone with nvidia driver 39... installed....More