When a few new models are added to the iclone scene, my system's 6GB 1660ti graphics get involved For example, in the photo below Total system resources are consumed, and it very hot...More
I don't know if this will already be coming for iclone 8 but foot alignment is done with the Layer Editor and should exist in the Curve Editor. iClone 8 may resolve all position issues and maybe this is not needed....More
471 / 5.000 Übersetzungsergebnisse Hi! In my project, the positions of objects are repeatedly changed arbitrarily. This is especially true when editing Path. The Path Merge from function also does not work correctly and does not allow the object to be moved to be moved to the end. It's extremely...More
This file was provided by Xsens and contains hand tracking data from their Manus gloves: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-C_RtIBlEpUendpwykM4C6pCLMgE324p/view?usp=sharing Load it in 3DXchange as a non-standard character, I mapped with this profile:...More
I spend most of my time working in virtual production environments, and the unique VFX tools that only Houdini Indie offers to its users are an integral part of my 3D content workflow. So if you think that there is a way that Reallusion's impressive array of tools can be used in conjunction...More
I have given a walk motion for a character in motion puppet. then I have given transform from one place to another place. But the character is not moving until the timeline has reached half of its transform position and after that, it starts moving at a fast pace. Why it's not moving until...More
Think about the thousands of times a user will tweak items in a scene. It all adds up. X, Y and Z need their own nine separate lines for translation, rotation, and scale. I've been using Daz forever, and iClone is superior, but when it comes to tweaking transforms, it drives me nuts. There...More
I cant get Motion plus exported from Iclone 7 to 3DXChanger. This message comes "load Motion Failed" I have the character in 3DXchanger, taken from Iclone with the "edit in 3DXchange" button. And I got the motion from Iclone imported ok....More