This is about cameras targeting a couple areas and have them repeated rendered/projected in the scene on 3d models such as windows or TV so that when you move the main camera gets world coordinate perspective view/angle of all the local cameras. A skyscraper with a few materials that are...More
In iClone7.91 it’s possible to use “Reduce Lip Keys” feature. This is a great feature which helps to improve the lip sync. It would be really great help, if you export just Visemes from iClone 7 in whatever form so it could be imported to the CA4. In CA4 are sometime too many Visemes. By loading...More
After the latest update, Curve Editor plugin crashes iClone when started with right mouse click on a clip. If started from plugins menu, there is no crash, but it does not show any curves from a clip (sampled of course)...More
I have the same problem as this post . All my software is up to date. My Workflow, cc3-ic7, the character and animation are imported to UE4 through export FBX, There's something wrong with the hair....More
I have an issue with Motion Plus files imported from Iclone 7 to CC3.4 to export to Unity I have simple repro steps 1-Open your character from CC to Iclone...More
What if you were able to mute one part of the motion clip. For instance, you mute the legs part of the motion clip, so when you blend the motion clip with another motion clip (exp arms) it would give you the ability to combine the motion clips. I attached an image to make it clearer....More
I'm trying to export facial animation that I've captured with acculips and faceware, but any changes I've made to the talking style editor don't save out in i-talk file, motion plus file and more importantly in an fbx file that I'm exporting to Unity...More
I would love it to have the following Iclone improvements, focused on animation. - Being able to create an animation cycle, only with certain poses and not having to repeat the process of the opposite axis again. -To be able to improve the animations with the physics (only if the user needs...More
I'm using Stretchy and Chubby in my commercial projects. Auto-blink is not working. I know they're legacy characters but there must be a way to get this going again. Please help...More