I couldn't see how to give feedback to the Reallusion store, so apologies for putting this under the Hub. I have bought many things from the recent sales, but when I am searching for new products, it is not obvious which ones I have bought before. The only way to see if I have bought something...More
I have chosen Reclusion Hub to complete 4 updates. It asks me for my admin password and username. I tried all my passwords, Nothing works. This has never been an issue before, What changed? Is the admin password for Reallusion or the Microsoft admin password? How can I reset these password...More
I have the current version of the HUB installed, with Crazytalk 7, Character Creator 3, CrazyTalk 8 trial, Cartoon Animator 4 Trial. Every program freezes upon using any open command. Open file, open project, etc. This makes it impossible to open saved projects or create new ones....More
I believe after latest windows updates the Hub stopped showing up in system tray or even open. It does shows in the task manager. I already tried uninstalling and reinstalling....More
Hi, No, it's not about Reallusion Hub, but I had to choose something here. I currently use your FaceFilter Studio 2 & 3 applications, and I love them. I use them in my doll photography to give my dolls more expression (and to correct the alignment of some facial features). I've attached a couple...More
You guys need to be aware that while reallusion hub is running in the background I get HUGE packet loss and latency. It causes giant stutters in my connectivity and literally makes any motion capture, VoiP or gaming impossible,. It took me hours of troubleshooting but I have absolutely nailed...More
Real issue to reproduce -- set your Windows scaling to 150% (as some of us old folks/visually challenged have to do) and you can't see the hub anymore, unlike ANY other Windows program I've ever installed or used (it disappears offscreen completely with no way to get it back)....More
I'm doing some mocap work and have found that I can't use the room where my main PC is located because of magnetic interference. I'm therefore using a laptop so I can record in a better location. I went to install iClone on the laptop but the My Accounts page mentions the following: "You can...More
Hey! This app is kind of doing nothing on idle, how is it possible that it consumes ~120 MB of RAM? I can tell you one thing, I can write a lot application on that, what happen here?...More