Title: Animation At Work 2022 Explore Space | Twitchymo Studio Author: Mark Dent My submission for the CTA Animation At Work Contest 2022, and published on the webpage. I noticed that my WIP playlist link does not work. I have included a list of all the WIP youtube videos and the links....More
Does reallusion have any plan to update the Headshot plugin to include Pixar style filter? If the headshot plugin could take a 3D cartoon image and transform it so that we can animate it that would be a great feature....More
I understand a hybrid vertex assignment/Physics Texture system may be coming which could provide real-time conforming cloth to a character's body to follow Native Character Soft Cloth Physics but ------------please allow it to work with HIK Characterization as well!---------------- It will...More
The hub downloads the software and at the end of the download, it tells me, that the download was incomplete. It suggests to download again and at the end of the download it tells me the download was incomplet, again. It's a loop and I can't install CC4 on my PC....More
It is virtually impossible to adjust misaligned teeth in CC4. I mean I can adjust them with sliders, but 99% of them are green (premium). If I use them (as a developer) I would pass a requirement to purchase respective package to my customers....More
While ON, "Eliminate Shadow Artifact" produces horrible artifacts on eye mesh (screenshot 1). And it is getting worse under certain lights condition Eye should be excluded from this settings. NVIDIA SDK manual suggests enabling shadow_terminator_offset_mode = on (in CC it equals to Eliminate...More
I am not sure about the reason behind Tear-Line exclusion from Iray. It is simply becomes invisible while rendering with Iray. Not only that. I believe you guys should work out a better Iray shader for eyes, which is quite underdeveloped compare to real-time DHS....More
Hello, I've come across an issue when using the volumetric lighting. When using the volumetric light on any character, any hair on the model (including eyelashes) will have a dark and choppy outline. Steps to reproduce: 1. Select Content > Template > Actor > Character > Clothed (Any clothed...More