This issue is about educating creators to teach proper method to remove parts that would otherwise be impossible to hide if the creator tries to sculpt it down to nothing either externally or natively. I also wanted to point out this bug when using Edit proportions with scale then for whatever...More
When I tested with only creating a few morphs, the speech was realistic but as it got more complex the mouth movement starts vibrating around the mouth area. I've been observing the evolution of Visemes for years and their associated thumbnails to help identify to users what the face expression...More
I accidentally pressed K and the view zoomed out far, then I tried to reorient the view with J but it does nothing. Even if I orient the view to Front, the J key does nothing nor does the option to select the view to J....More
I don't know why we can't use the bone Gizmo display inside Edit Mesh, it almost seems like a waste for an extremely useful concept. Sometimes with custom characters, bones or the mesh may drift apart from each other. The Bones might be in an ideal location but you want to have the rest of...More
Most of us usually don't sculpt with smooth with wireframe in sculpting programs, it's extremely hard to see smoothness with wireframe render mode. To see smoothness we usually see the normal sculpt mesh and examine with lighting....More
Hello, I've come across an issue when using the volumetric lighting. When using the volumetric light on any character, any hair on the model (including eyelashes) will have a dark and choppy outline. Steps to reproduce: 1. Select Content > Template > Actor > Character > Clothed (Any clothed...More
While trying to sculpt Visemes and other morphs, it can be difficult to see what you've selected when using vertex mode, even sculpt mode. Having a different camera that can be positioned inside a mouth looking out can visually show us our selection is too much and may cause flipped normals...More
This is very annoying and time consuming to try to fix, resetting the bones creates mesh spikes. Can you develop a bone lock feature for "Adjust bones" area so we can lock selected bones and only the other bones that aren't locked can be reset? Maybe, also include the ability in Edit Mesh...More
It can be hard editing weights with the weight painter especially if you don't have your reference/skin textures showing.. they can often help/remind users where the limits of hard and soft should be - texture borders....More