Character Creator 4
Issue 9275
How to build own hairs
I purchased Hair Builder recently and was sure I will be able to build any hairstyles I want, because it's a builder.
But I couldn't find any tips on how to build hairs. Only 2 presets (samurai knots) for male and plenty of hair patches for female. In my work, I need to build vintage male hairs, but I don't understand how I can do it with builder?

I need help
OS: Windows 11
  •  2
  •  993
Submitted byTosyk
I stepped into the same trap, i thought "Hair Builder" and "Unlimited Hairstyles" is a Hairbuilder for Unlimited Hairstyles and not a Hair Builder for Unlimited Female Haistyles.
Kind of misleading description. In my opinion RL should offer a Hair Builder which either includes Male and Female Hair Parts or offer Builders for Male and Female seperately,
clearly marked as Male / Female.

Another slight joke to me, RL sales a Hair Builder - Beard Combo. Dont tell me woman wear beards at RL. ;-) ;-) ;-) 

My suggestion :

Either offer a Hair Builder for Male and Female in one or offer Male/Female Hair Builder seperately and clearly marked as "Male" or "Female". Then please do not sale a Female Hair Builder with a "Beard Builder" in one pack, this is extra confusing and misleads to the assumption Male and Female Hair could both be created because why should someone buy female hair and beards in one. This is exactly what mislead me to the purchase of the Hair  Builder when i I was locking for something male and female together.
Feedback Tracker Admin
Hi Tosyk,

Sorry for confusing you. Although the name of this pack is called "Hair Builder", it still uses internal content to compose and provide Hair Mesh Morph functionality.

If you need other hairstyles, please buy: 3D Models and Assets - Reallusion Content Store

Thank you.
