63 issues found


Hello, I have seen my frame-rate drop drastically in viewpoint in CC4 after recently updating. I tried reinstalling and found that when the Headshot 2.0 the frames drop but while uninstalled the frame rate was fine. I'm currently just installing headshot when i need to use it and uninstalling...More
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Submitted by ExE Production


Fix In Review
I've tried manual update, auto update, close and open viewport, setting to "view all"(works for the default view) tried setting to spherical lens, removed from preview selected list, changed render output size.
Every resolution and camera type change I've tried, I'd Zoom in but the Iray...More
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Submitted by Ascensi


I have a big issue with this. When you've lined up your camera angles just right for weight painting such as 8inside the mouth for example but after you realize you need to scale a bone from that perspective and open up proportions, it takes you out of your ideal view that took you a long time...More
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  •  216
Submitted by Ascensi


Note: this AI concept must be connected directly to systems inside CC4
1. AI analyzes sketches and or photos and creates a character image reference
2. the detection of eyes, mouth, lips, nose, brows, ears and hair is further refined for HQ realism or toon (to create headshot character and...More


For fast iteration, have a scrollable part list of common Human, animal and creature bone configurations. These parts would be all normal CC bones but more than one of the same templates would designate the character a "Multi-Ped Hybrid HIK Character" etc
Some hand templates with finger joint...More
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Submitted by Ascensi


This is very annoying and time consuming to try to fix, resetting the bones creates mesh spikes. Can you develop a bone lock feature for "Adjust bones" area so we can lock selected bones and only the other bones that aren't locked can be reset?
Maybe, also include the ability in Edit Mesh...More
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Submitted by Ascensi


Not Reproducible
I accidentally pressed K and the view zoomed out far, then I tried to reorient the view with J but it does nothing.
Even if I orient the view to Front, the J key does nothing nor does the option to select the view to J....More
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Submitted by Ascensi


I am not sure about the reason behind Tear-Line exclusion from Iray.
It is simply becomes invisible while rendering with Iray.
Not only that. I believe you guys should work out a better Iray shader for eyes, which is quite underdeveloped compare to real-time DHS....More
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  •  363
Submitted by 4u2ges


Problem: For the longest time, the mirror option in CC4 had been mirroring the weights to the other side of the model on a bone that is either designated as left or right.
Solution: It makes more sense if you make mirroring to opposite bone default (if the bone is named left or _L or _Right...More
  •  1
  •  71
Submitted by Ascensi


Not a Bug
To see the issue open up the latest version of CC4, pick a character, pick some clothes, go to edit mesh on any of these meshes, go to the sculpt mode, select the smooth brush, and start brushing over the top of the model. In some of the areas you will notice the topology start to kink at odd...More
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Submitted by LostBoys