Dear Reallusion
Hello, I'm the user of CC4(4.5)
And my problem is about eyelash goes wrong when my charater blinks.
Before I describe, English is not my first language. So if grammar or spells are wrong... please forgive me.
Steps how I made my character
1. Sculpt head in Zbrsh
2. Import OBJ, use headshot2 and attach toon_natural_f body >I do same thing like this vidio
3. Make a texture with adobe Ps and CC4 make up sets (freckle, eyebrow, hair etc.)
4. Test the animation-facial expressions.
>>5. Eyelash problem happens<<
Some of the eyelash's mesh part seems does not fit. (Please check the photos I attach it.) beneath the photo: when character opened eye, It looks perfect. But when It closes eyes- It happen wrong.
Also, Eyeblink correction and mesh movement does not help at all...
I wish my problem can fix it.
If you need more information about this, please feel free to ask it. I hope I can help to make much more amazing CC4.
Thank you, have a nice day.