Hello, I use trial version of CC4. When I try to send my posed character back in Zbrush 2022 clicking on CC GoZ Plus button, I have warning that I have 30 times remaining on current lisence, and then nothing happend. This is my first day of trial. I want to try it before buying but i cant check...More
Skin Weight Painting can be very slow, especially if someone forgets to toggle of smooth mesh by subdivision But I my case I didn't have that enabled, I do have a dense mesh to work with Spring Joints, problem remains is that it's too slow and freezes and crashes often (AMD 16 Core 32 Thread...More
This latest build is really unstable. It will crash unexpectedly while CC4 is accessing files or data during normal operation. Example: Adding new skin layer, saving, saving as Character. I'm literally crashing multiple times per session....More
I understand this not to be a bug but rather, just an oversite. I'm creating gigantic characters that need to be scaled approximately 1500. I've successfully scaled my characters by morphing the character by 500 then in iClone adding an additional 1000. When I've scaled the character, I've...More
1- Program freezes or crashes moving accessory meshes (before skinning them), it's not a consistent bug but it happens often. 2- Meshes loose textures when rendering with "Render with Max Texture Resolution"...More
Hello, during the export of my two last characters the CC is crushing. I tried a couple of advice from bug reports but nothing helped. Sending you a link to the latest crush dump. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cvu9hfzR0GBNj9inRt46I0yJ-Rn-bu9O/view?usp=sharing...More
I don't know how to export a good charater, when I export a charater to unity, the result look very bad, the hair,the eye look bad, could you tell me how to export a charater to make it look as well as in the Charater Creator Sence? My email: xinyunapp@163.com...More
Dear person in charge Hello, I am experiencing unnatural changes in the tint of models imported on Unreal Engine 5 and would like to seek support....More
Can't export a jpg or video with all textures, they disappear. It happens in Iclone 8, can't export a video either. All textures are gone in the video....More