I've noticed that when Expression Wrinkles is turned on, characters' faces look extra grainy/noise when I'm moving around in the viewport in CC4. It's a bit subtle, so it's hard to show extremely clearly. But here's a video where I'm toggling Expression Wrinkles. You can see how grainy it looks...More
Version 1.32 does not work with Unreal 5.3. I am aware that I can keep 5.2 installed and use that, but using that storage for that is not an option for me....More
Hi, currently character creator is exporting to UE4 skeleton, it would make life a lot more easier for game developers if you give option of both UE4 & UE5 Skeleton, its a long due feature, it should happen now i had been waiting. (p.s. Also, it would be wonderful if you can directly export...More
So I customized the Camila model to get the benefit of the facial morph targets and it works great. However, when I did the same to Kevin I realized the base model does not have enough topology to match my model. It's way too dependent on normal maps. If there could be an upgrade to the topology...More
After using "Update Textures from Substance Painter" to import textures, select the model and go to Modify => Materials. Select one of the materials that was imported, and select the Bump map texture under Texture Settings. Notice that the "Strength" slider will be greyed out, and it can't...More
Hello, When starting a new project with previously having created a char in mesh mode, the Head to Mesh window still contains the old Mesh. I think this should be empty , not shure if this intended. You can go through the whole mesh process including attaching it to a body again , even you...More
When exporting an FBX for Unity where "Export Mesh and Motion Individually" is chosen, the animations in the _Motion.fbx file won't contain any blend shapes. This is easy to reproduce on a stock character. Here are the steps: - New CC4 project, add the CC4 Kevin to scene....More
Start a new project and bring load the default Kevin. Now, under Content Manager > Animation > Expression > Expression_Loop, apply any of the expressions there, such as "01_Anger_Lo". This will immediately show a warning dialog reading: "The iTalk file contains custom expressions which can...More