like in daz studio be able to export to fbx files the morphs targets from CC3, in my opnion this is one of the big miss of character creator, being able to export the morphs direct from CC can make easy and fast build characters customization in game, this is being for me a big problem in using...More
Hi, When exporting my character from Character Creator 3 to Unreal Engine 4 I lose all the subdivisions I'd set using the "Smooth mesh" option. I've tried exporting and importing with different options several times, none of which seemed to work - my character and its clothes are always low...More
On CC3 default character the Appearance Editor is unavailable. Is it a bug or is intended? I wanted to add some freckles on my character but I can't find a way....More
Hi I've got several types of characters that use displacement in different ways. Currently CC3 topology is not compatible with displacement - there are holes that are created while I paint in 3rd party programs. I know the issue looks like it might be resolved in your next gen character base...More
Importing Daz G8 character through Transformer leads to issue with eyelash not fitting properly, as it merely places a CC3 base lash in an approximated position. Recommendation - allow the shape of the lash to morph though automatically so that it properly fits the actual G8 eyelid-shape transferred...More
Hi Devs, even though I like the direction of the SkinGen Premium but overall I'm not happy with my purchase.. it could be way better than it is using displacement. I know from experience in order to create the bumpy look with normal maps that you need to have a hi & low poly version of the...More
The eyelash is a huge problem when trying to create highly optimised models for Unity. When using tools within Unity to optimise your models, the eyelashes end up as opaque blocks, unless they are given their own mesh and material. This means 2 additional draw calls (4 when lighting is applied...More
Hi everyone, For those who might be having issues importing DAZ Genesis 8.1 into CC3, I compiled a fix to this issue attached in pdf and image file. Best regards,...More
Hi Reallusion, We REALLY need a way to RENAME a mesh in character creator, not just the object name. This is especially important as the fbx exporter takes the "mesh name" to transfer the character into unity....More
I'm running into a bit of a problem when exporting a cc character to unity. I'm exporting an fbx file with two LOD levels, but when I go into the settings window, the open mouth option is greyed out. While this is totally acceptible for the two created LOD levels, I would like to have the...More