Hi there when ever I try to export the character to Unreal with (Merge beard and brows into one object) option, I face the issue program crash and closed....More
Hello, I came across a problem today after I finally got around to testing out the Live Face Link with CC3 characters, and I noticed that one of the characters I made in CC3 using the Smart-Beard wouldn't animate the beard/moustache. I checked all the settings in CC3, and even reapplied the...More
Can you please, please, make the autosetup for Unity and Unreal open source!!! Please let us make your tools usable for production of "real" games, so we can fix the broken auto setup pipeline our self, and add all the lacking features and options in that system... Best regards...More
When using "RL_Standard" as a parent to the material of clothing from the Playset-UN task Force it produces strange see through results. The hair shader also does the same....More
Every single time when I export my cc3 character in Unreal using the Auto setup tool and choosing the HQ shadier, my character still don't look as good like it is in Character creator. I followed this link with documentation to see will it help but nope it is still the same. https://manual...More
The link to Auto Setup 1.2 downloads the 1.11 setup exe Someone apparently copy pasted the old entry without changing out the link. I recorded the issue in this quick video:...More