Hello, I've recently updated my Character Creator 3 to the 3.21 version and now I have some issues with it. It was working fine untill I updated it....More
hi , just wondered now with the new human texture editor whats going to happen with the updating of the appearance editor so we can use substance materials, for this is the reason i bought cc3 in the first place, with out the appearance editor and use of substance, it's not much good, plus...More
Hello, I am having an issue with the save function with CC3. I can initially save a file with no problem. However, when I go to save or save as over the that previously saved file, nothing is saved even though CC3 says it completed. You can tell by the timestamp of the file does not change...More
Hi, I was encouraged by your support team to raise this as a potential bug. All details and images are in this post: https://forum.reallusion.com/433741/CC-Character-Bone-Issue-in-Unity#bm434309. I'm not having these issues with other 3rd party models and you can see the side by side images...More
I also uninstalled Character Creator, rebooted, reinstalled, rebooted. Tried the various workspaces, with an HD monitor and a 4k/UHD monitor. Using NVIDIA driver 441.87 - which we need for Arnold GPU rendering. 3DBOXX W8920Processor 32.0 GB RAM Dual Xeon CPU E5-2670 0 @ 2.60GHz...More
I bought several assets in the content store at the end of last year and I installed all the content. I was able to see the content in Character Creator before, but now it is gone and don't know why. I tried to reinstall it, but this didn't resolve the issue. For instance, I found he iavatar...More
When opening saved projects, some of the characters have massive bugs in the shader. Even if all the slots are filled and looks normal, The character looks completely off. If I reapply all the textures, it works, but it's very timeconsuming....More
Suddenly I'm not able to open about 99% of my files, which is houndreds. Files that have worked fine just half an hour ago, will now stop around 5% and come up with a pop-up saying "Failed to load the file". This is happening to everyone I've tried except for one, and that file was missing...More
When single clicking the mesh, it will always select the model, even if the part is covered in clothes, which you are trying to select. This is quite annoying when working with the clothes, as it wasn't like this before the latest update....More