Hi there! :-) When I first installed CC3, I set my external files to a certain place. Everything seems to work fine. They are here: D:/_REALLUSION DOCUMENTS...More
Hello, I've updated CC3.11 to 3.21 and it want open after the splash screen. I've uninstall and reinstall 3.11 and same thing. I've also updated nvidia to 441.87...More
The auto setup doesn't work when I use the Mannequin skeleton. I even tested this with the CC3 base model that opens in Character Creator 3 and tested it in a brand new project in Unreal 4.23. I followed all the steps, even clicked "import all". The auto setup without the mannequin worked...More
I tested a few of your shaders and tesselation only worked on the RL_Standard shader. On the other shaders such as RL_HQSkin it doesn't have any effect....More
My original post was misunderstood. Im an not referring to a shader. The light does not work. When i use the toon light it is just the normal default light set up. Please see this post. https://www.reallusion.com/FeedBackTracker/Issue/Toon-Light-doesn-t-do-anything...More
I was working on a Head Shot project when I suffered a crash (I'm not sure why). After I restored and reloaded my project, I found that although the character was there, the underlying Head Shot settings (image, maps, etc.) were gone. It would be nice if the Head Shot settings were retained...More
Creating a new accessory for: https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/early-medieval-nasal-helmet-a2eb9626031e4ed28445d1229afd3b48 CC3 -> Create Accessory...More
After updating CC3 to 3.21, my GoZ attempts result in an error message of: "Zbrush application not found. Please verify your installation of Zbrush and try again." My copy of Zbrush is currently Zbrush 2020, which came installed with GoZ as a plugin. After this first error in CC3, I reinstalled...More
I understand appearance editor isn't available for CC3 yet so if we need to change the appearance - the workaround is to use a CC1 character, edit the appearance, and then convert to CC3. The problem is that the CC1 Base_Substance Avatars (CC1_Base_Male, CC1_Base_Female) do not allow wound...More