I have a character with embedded texture taken from here: https://www.turbosquid.com/3d-models/3d-model-cartoon-hero-dog/968273 imported into Accurig 1.2.1 I can rigg it but despite of any export to FBX options I have selected (I have tried all the available format combinations) the exported...More
Currently the rigging tool is made for humanoids with flexible joints. It would be nice to see a feature for rigging rigid or semi-rigid characters. For example let's say I have a stone golem model with a floating head. I would like to make his arm and leg joints flexible, but keep the head...More
There's a normal sized human model, and after I use AccuRIG to rig the model, export as a fbx file, it become 100 times smaller than the normal size when I import it to Unity. So I enlarged the normal sized model to 100 times bigger, and do the same thing as before, the size become normal,...More
Hey I have the following problem. I export a character from Blender as FBX that has Vertex colors. After rigging in Accurig and importing again all the Vertex color information is gone....More
I import an A-pose mesh, after some operations, the export is a T-pose, is this the version limit? I want the bind pose of the exported character to remain unchanged....More
When I went to go upload my custom character from Actorcore to blender, once I put my animation on my custom model he was sliding around everywhere, and his arms were inside his chest, I used AccuRIG to Rig Him, also he looked perfectly fine in the Actorcore Model/Animation Viewer but once...More
Good day reallusion and thanks for providing character auto rig for all engine. Please i have some suggestions which goes as follows: 1. Add "Send to AccuRig" button into iclone and CC: Please kindly add "send to Accurig" button under modify tab into iclone and CC because of character not...More