There's a normal sized human model, and after I use AccuRIG to rig the model, export as a fbx file, it become 100 times smaller than the normal size when I import it to Unity. So I enlarged the normal sized model to 100 times bigger, and do the same thing as before, the size become normal,...More
Good day reallusion and thanks for providing character auto rig for all engine. Please i have some suggestions which goes as follows: 1. Add "Send to AccuRig" button into iclone and CC: Please kindly add "send to Accurig" button under modify tab into iclone and CC because of character not...More
Hey I have the following problem. I export a character from Blender as FBX that has Vertex colors. After rigging in Accurig and importing again all the Vertex color information is gone....More
I import an A-pose mesh, after some operations, the export is a T-pose, is this the version limit? I want the bind pose of the exported character to remain unchanged....More
When I went to go upload my custom character from Actorcore to blender, once I put my animation on my custom model he was sliding around everywhere, and his arms were inside his chest, I used AccuRIG to Rig Him, also he looked perfectly fine in the Actorcore Model/Animation Viewer but once...More
I have a character with embedded texture taken from here: imported into Accurig 1.2.1 I can rigg it but despite of any export to FBX options I have selected (I have tried all the available format combinations) the exported...More
Would be nice to be able to rig creatures such as quadrupeds or spiders. Perhaps a new version when your talented engineers can make it happen. I own horses and have always looked for the ability to use the tool to quickly rig a horse character....More
Today when I tried to download multiple packs in ActorCore the downloaded zip file does not include all the animations. Before it had each pack in a separate folder, now it just has a single folder and only includes a few animations. Screenshots attached. Thank you for the help....More