I've already talked with support about this and was informed that the only way this is currently possible is to export the character as an FBX with animations then import into 3DXchange as a prop ( do not characterize it). This is ok unless you want to see real-time action such as using mocap...More
Character from mixamo ( with shape keys and added eye bones too) but also CC character crash 3dxchange I had to unistall and reinstal the program to make it work again But it happen again after sometime and couldnt complete the process to convert a character into a non standard...More
Hello! I have fbx file wirh character. I need to animate it in iclone. I have finished all steps in Characterization Mode with bone structure then i want to make Mapping Facial Bones. With eyes is ok, but jaw bones not. I choose jaw bones for jaw map but jaw bones dont't move the jaw. I cant...More
After installing the 7. 1 update the Mixamo Animation - Convert to Non-Standard (Characterization) no longer works at all. It was working in 7.02 (after switching the Presets) but in 7.1 the exact same FBX will not convert. I also tried loading in the "Maya Human-IK_Mixamo01" Characterization...More
Hello, When importing Genisis 3 & 8 characters, I get a problem with legs and Shoulder/Arms, Please see attached images. One image contains the same character once as Genisis 3 (right) version and the second as Genisis 2 (left), notice the legs and shoulders/arms in the G3, and it is correct...More
I have read the other issues but they are not giving full information and its not just the animations its the entire convert system. This is also using blender. firstly this character is working inside iclone 7 previously and it works perfectly in 3dexchange6 when you import and assign...More
I need some help to find a Tutorial . I Exported the Iclone Horse and used Bones in a one of my Animal creations. But somehow when I try to configure it in 3dXchange , I can't seem to get the bone config correct so that Animation Motions WORK....More
https://www.dropbox.com/s/bk0uamc96h8pqzq/zbrush%20ready%20shapekeys%20with%20hair%20fixed%20for%20iclone.fbx%20-%20iClone%203DXchange%207%202019-11-30%2006-02-41.mp4?dl=0 If I unistall the software and reinstall it works for a little bit but then it stops working and crashes everytime You...More