Index for 3DXchange 4

3DXchange 4.0 Help, Version 20100318


System Requirement

User Interface

Main Menu

Tool Bar

File Handlers

Edit Controls



Pixel Shader

Scene Tree

Component of Node

Node Types

Renaming Nodes

Selecting Nodes

Including and Excluding Nodes

Hiding the Excluded Nodes

Preview Window

Play Control Panel

Modify Page


Converting Model to Prop

Converting Model with Animations to iProp

Converting Bone-Skinned Models to Avatars

Modifying Mesh

Creating Custom Shape for Head-Morphing in iClone

Section Details in Modify Page

Node Section

Including and Excluding Nodes

Excluding Back Faces

Making and Removing Sub-Prop

Transform Section

Aligning Nodes

Resetting Transform of Modified Model

Pivot Section

Pivot of Prop

Relocating Pivot

Normal Section

The Concept of Normal

Flipping the Normal

Unifying the Normal

Utilizing Flip Face Mode

Auto-Smoothing Mesh Nodes

Animation Section

Character Section

Posing Avatar for Exporting OBJ

Setting Bones for Converting to Non-Human Character

Material Section

Types of maps

Modifying Texture Settings - Basic

Modifying Texture Settings - Advanced

Texture Channel UV Offset and Tiling

Synchronizing Texture UV Changes to All Channels

Load and Save Materials

External Texture and Material Sharing

Adding New Material with Make Unique Feature

UV Settings Section

Model Mapping Method


Exporting OBJ File

Exporting Props or Characters

Export Options

Keyboard Shortcuts