Opening morph creator in order to transfer morphs among avatars simply no longer works. Clicking the button does not send it back. Nothing happens when you press the button...More
I have an issue with the characters eye occlusion not conforming to the facial expression. This even happens when applying the Digital Soul Expressions (see attached image) and it looks terrible. I just want to find out if this issue is being looked at or being addressed....More
When Opening Morph Creator from iClone and once running, initiating New button, or Create button immediately crashes Morph Creator. I've tested this on two PCs, with the same result. Might it be an issue with the new 8.5 Release? Does anyone else have issue opening the Morph Creator and initiating...More
I'm using a 27" 4K monitor. The scaling has always been an issue where's its massive compared to every other window and application I am using, but today it's just become absurd. I wonder if there's ever been any testing involved with iClone before release? The scale of the UI should be inline...More
Let me start by saying that Morphs handling by Morphs Creator in IC8 has been improved. For the most part importing OBJ files has been stabilized in many aspects. There are however some critical issues which need to be addressed in both IC8 and CC4....More
After opening iClone and importing a character, the scaling arrow does not appear. What is the reason? How can I display the triangle arrow? Thank you The scaling arrow appears when using the ACCuPOSE card...More
When importing an FBX created with Blender, multiple Shape Keys were previously detected as Morphs, but iClone8's Morph Creator does not detect them anymore. This occurs when importing an object created in blender with multiple shape keys and exported as FBX. In the past, I would get an alert...More