Greetings, I wanted to tell you that I really like the Iclone software and character creator, they are incredible. I wanted to make some suggestions for future versions of iclone and character creator. In my case I work cleaning mocap animations and I would like it to be more versatile in...More
Think fast, video AI based on keywords is just around the corner. If people can, they will - drop manual animation and native rendering for a complete solution at a fraction of the cost. This is perfectly fine, no worries of the possibility of users ditching ic8 or cc4 in the future, because...More
After selection of Edit Motion Layer, there is no tool pop up panel, no IK / IF tool, no add keyframe tool. Only solve is manually select model's points, make movement, and then manually add keyframe. For what you charge for software, would be great if it there were less bugs....More
I organize my scene collections as chunks of areas like a grid so I know what needs to be disabled when the camera doesn't have it in view. Scenes can be massive in size and the contents as well and instead of going through the scene collection list, I'd rather press one button for a whole...More
We would like to be able to do a quick lighting change across an entire episode of project files when decisions have changed. Additionally, It would be very helpful if the lighting environment include separate HDR sun, sky and cloud layers that can be animated....More
I've presented the idea of creating presets for Characters that have cloned CC3+ bones such as leg, arm, neck/head and hand hierarchies so the body parts can be switched and accessed for mocap of complex characters. I hope Reallusion will adopt it and future proof it with AI video Motion Capture...More
iClone 8 is an amazing animation program. But there are several tools and capabilities that I lack. For example, Fig (screenshot from the Maya software, it is taken from the training material) shows such an excellent tool as "Motion Trails". I still couldn't find anything like this in iClone...More
1. Open Tabs Create a Hit on Frame Rate - How to check? use iClone's FPS counter and start closing Tabs. My suggestion is to either auto hide tabs when the mouse is over the viewport or use let users create and save tab & layout presets that are related to the workflow. (Work Flow Preset) While...More
OK so I can’t seem to understand why you’re more focused on unreal and it seems like Iclone8 is just a $500 unreal plug-in I see you doing more tutorials on using iClone in conjunction with Live links and unreal but unreal is a free piece of software, so I am a bit confused on why you’re focused...More