I'm not sure what triggers it, but at some point it starts happening. rotating with the gizmo, or clicking on the small arows in the rotate values in the popup panel, will make the character teleport 20 meters in a direction, even a 0.1° rotation triggers the bug instantly. every rotate interaction...More
For example, I've built a custom character with Hoses that have spring joints, one of the hoses needs to be attached or follow the jaw bone but there is no option for this - currently joints can't be attached to the same character elsewhere. The attached video clip is a WIP with many other...More
Like title says. Even without changing anything in Motion Modified and clicking OK, it would twist most of the bones out of place. Note: Some motion clips are affected more than others. No such problem in iClone 7....More
Hi I've tested the software, first able i can say is the best cuz its so hard to find a software on which provide the best quality on animation, textures etc. Well done :) The things that the software needs to rock on and be unstoppable is the following things:...More
The same mixamo animations were importing perfectly fine for me 2 days go, now when import the very same animations from the same downloaded files and from newly downloaded files they have these issues. Before every mixamo animation was importing perfectly, now every mixamo animation I import...More
I'm not sure the best way to explain this so I might need to record a video of the issue I'm having, its when I get large objects into iClone its like they disappear when I have certain views, then re appear back again when I move elsewhere, I'll upload a video to show what I mean https://drive...More
I recently upgraded to version 8.2 a couple days ago and now all my new content is gone that I purchased. All I see is a hand full of some old stuff that I purchased years ago. I was redoing some scenes in a movie I had made and I needed an animation from the Hand to Hand combat animations...More
I have IC 7 and IC 8 on the same computer. "16" transition curve presets are shown on IC 7, but only "4" are shown on IC 8. Could you please let me know how I can use them all on IC 8?...More
Please can you make a toon shader material with outlines that we can apply to only the materials that we would like? so we can have further control on each material...More