I spend most of my time working in virtual production environments, and the unique VFX tools that only Houdini Indie offers to its users are an integral part of my 3D content workflow. So if you think that there is a way that Reallusion's impressive array of tools can be used in conjunction...More
AccuLips currently does not work very well with english audio, but it absolutely does not work with other languages due to missing data for speech recognition. Missing feature? ...then please be so kind and this, because you suggest in german advertising that it is "the best solution" for...More
First upon double clicking a different project file the user will be presented with a new dialogue that allows the user to select which environmental/visual and render settings or models to merge with the current open project. iproject can retain more scene setup information than saving as...More
I want to generate videos with a higher resolution. Currently iclone only allows the maximum 4K. I want to generate 8K videos and VR videos with the correct quality resolution for youtube - 7,168 x 3,584 or higher, up to 8,192 x 4,096....More
PATH tool Please add an option for the object/avatar to remain in position when released from a path. At the moment, as soon as you release an object/avatar part way along or at the end of a path, it jumps back to the beginning of the path. There doesn't seem to be an option to prevent this...More
PROBLEM: Many people have observed that the RENDER SPEED is affected by the SIZE of the iClone PREVIEW WINDOW. That seems inherently wrong. I am not talking about preview speed. PRIMARY SUGGESTION:...More
Dear reallusion, Just wondered if there were plans to extend Vive tracking (maybe through ikenima Orion ) into motion live. Hope you can tell me if/when this may happen. Also any plans on iclone connecting with unreal engine via live link?...More
I would like to see 180 degree VR implemented within iClone, as supported by the Google 180 VR format. My main issue with 360 degree panoramic VR video/animation is that it's difficult to tell a narrative,as the viewer may be looking the opposite direction while something important is happening...More
In iClone, would love to have a slider for directional (ie Key, Rim), spot, and point lights, in addition to the adjustable type-in-numeric. Would give a more faster & seamless flow to the UI when you want to trial different lighting power amounts. Thanks for any consideration!...More