I noted that one user said his sound card caused the issue, but that seems not to be a universal cure. Sometimes it likes the audio, sometimes it doesn't. Align gives the error. Align Partial gives the error. What is most perturbing is, when I select the exact text to align, and the code takes...More
Sometimes animation clips need to corrections to resume a posture from the legs, arms, torso etc specifically - like taking a specific snap shot of a body part or parts in one clip and pasting it to another. Currently "Set as Default" only takes a snapshot of the entire pose. In the future...More
iClone doesnt import the animation of the camera(exported from unreal engine 4.26) But blender reads it. So when i import the same fbx file to blender and export it again to iclone then it reads it Dont know if its an iclone's issue or unreal's but i wanted to let you know :)...More
In iClone7.91 it’s possible to use “Reduce Lip Keys” feature. This is a great feature which helps to improve the lip sync. It would be really great help, if you export just Visemes from iClone 7 in whatever form so it could be imported to the CA4. In CA4 are sometime too many Visemes. By loading...More
I have an issue with Motion Plus files imported from Iclone 7 to CC3.4 to export to Unity I have simple repro steps 1-Open your character from CC to Iclone...More
Hi Reallusion team, I just completed a test animation and exported an FBX for importing into Blender. Everything came through just fine with the exception of the animation for the eyes. I'd set the eyes to lock onto the camera but in Blender they're all over the place. I've done some research...More
STEPS TO REPRODUCE: - Follow the "Workflow from iClone to Unreal Engine" Unreal Live Link tutorials (https://www.reallusion.com/iclone/live-link/unreal-engine/tutorial.html) to load a non-standard character into iClone and transfer the files to Unreal. - Test 1: From iClone, pilot the camera...More
Bonjour depuis la dernière mise à jour impossible de sauvegarder mes clips motions , rien n'est enregistré pourtant il propose la boite de dialogue d'enregistrement mais rien n'est sauvegardé . Par ailleurs iclone se bloque souvent il mange énormément de mémoire. il me faut passer par le...More