I couldn't see how to give feedback to the Reallusion store, so apologies for putting this under the Hub. I have bought many things from the recent sales, but when I am searching for new products, it is not obvious which ones I have bought before. The only way to see if I have bought something...More
I have chosen Reclusion Hub to complete 4 updates. It asks me for my admin password and username. I tried all my passwords, Nothing works. This has never been an issue before, What changed? Is the admin password for Reallusion or the Microsoft admin password? How can I reset these password...More
I have the current version of the HUB installed, with Crazytalk 7, Character Creator 3, CrazyTalk 8 trial, Cartoon Animator 4 Trial. Every program freezes upon using any open command. Open file, open project, etc. This makes it impossible to open saved projects or create new ones....More
I believe after latest windows updates the Hub stopped showing up in system tray or even open. It does shows in the task manager. I already tried uninstalling and reinstalling....More
Hi, No, it's not about Reallusion Hub, but I had to choose something here. I currently use your FaceFilter Studio 2 & 3 applications, and I love them. I use them in my doll photography to give my dolls more expression (and to correct the alignment of some facial features). I've attached a couple...More
Hey! This app is kind of doing nothing on idle, how is it possible that it consumes ~120 MB of RAM? I can tell you one thing, I can write a lot application on that, what happen here?...More
1 add headshot and smart gallery to crazytalk 2.start character creator with choice of avatar/character[male/female/non human].....currently female default avatar/character 3.incorporate content uploader as plug-in for all reallusion products [add/expand submission tab]...More
Please change Installer, that they check wether files are already existing before downloading a whole package and then telling me, that there already is a version or some files installed! And if you have a previous failed attempt with some or many files left on your hard drive, it would also...More