I've tried manual update, auto update, close and open viewport, setting to "view all"(works for the default view) tried setting to spherical lens, removed from preview selected list, changed render output size. Every resolution and camera type change I've tried, I'd Zoom in but the Iray...More
Everytime i import a non standard character from blender , if its quads and non tris, i have shading issues Do i always have to convert them in tris? or is there any other solution? Thank you...More
A couple issues that might be connected to the same problem. 1. It took a long while to discover what might be making the body and arm materials render black during animation playback. This issue is also present in iC8. Enabling smooth mesh be subdivision seems to correct the render but...More
I attached an video displaying that the spring effects are functional in the suction cups on the first arm set in front but not elsewhere because *by default* I don't have the option, why? All suction cups contain the same duplicated hand joints.. In the bone menu, when I click on "unused...More
I wish Reallusion would add support for UDIMs for other things also then Character meshes... I miss the ability to have Hirez textures onto several cloth objects :(...More
I am not sure about the reason behind Tear-Line exclusion from Iray. It is simply becomes invisible while rendering with Iray. Not only that. I believe you guys should work out a better Iray shader for eyes, which is quite underdeveloped compare to real-time DHS....More
1.This would allow morphs to have non linear functionality - move in all directions through time. 2.Advanced Effects (melting, water flow/liquify, bubbling, fire, cracking, healing, wiggle, shape-shifting, electricity, bending in multiple angles, acid rain, clouds (ideal with volumetric shader...More
There are a few frames added to the Facial Morph editor that add to your custom morphs even though in the animation bar it states "current frame" If this is done on purpose so users can expand there facial morph library from existing facial animations, a suggestion then: -maybe when creating...More
While ON, "Eliminate Shadow Artifact" produces horrible artifacts on eye mesh (screenshot 1). And it is getting worse under certain lights condition Eye should be excluded from this settings. NVIDIA SDK manual suggests enabling shadow_terminator_offset_mode = on (in CC it equals to Eliminate...More