Working with Exotic creatures as hybrid characters often requires adjustments as to how the joints will move uniquely. I currently having an issue with finishing a character 97% done for the marketplace only to discover some joints will not work properly unless flipped or rotated differently...More
I don't know why we can't use the bone Gizmo display inside Edit Mesh, it almost seems like a waste for an extremely useful concept. Sometimes with custom characters, bones or the mesh may drift apart from each other. The Bones might be in an ideal location but you want to have the rest of...More
In the 'hide body mesh tool' one can hide most of the body of a character. The exception is the head. While you can click on the face to hide the face, it leaves eyes the tearline, eyes, teeth, and tongue. This prevents us from adding the ability to easily have modular characters in unreal...More
I'd like to be able to selected an IK chain and reduce strength with a percentage slider. Users should have additional options such as the ability to make the strength global across all the joints in the hierarchy or a falloff starting at the toes and ending at upper arm or clavicle or the...More
Note: this AI concept must be connected directly to systems inside CC4 1. AI analyzes sketches and or photos and creates a character image reference 2. the detection of eyes, mouth, lips, nose, brows, ears and hair is further refined for HQ realism or toon (to create headshot character and...More
For fast iteration, have a scrollable part list of common Human, animal and creature bone configurations. These parts would be all normal CC bones but more than one of the same templates would designate the character a "Multi-Ped Hybrid HIK Character" etc Some hand templates with finger joint...More
This is very annoying and time consuming to try to fix, resetting the bones creates mesh spikes. Can you develop a bone lock feature for "Adjust bones" area so we can lock selected bones and only the other bones that aren't locked can be reset? Maybe, also include the ability in Edit Mesh...More
It's a bit of an inconvenience with no warning. If users are in the Facial Profile Editor and have for example used edit mesh to sculpt a morph and the user wants to render it first before baking CC4 will exit the FPE and enter the render options. Suggestion: maybe if there is an unbaked morph...More
When I tested with only creating a few morphs, the speech was realistic but as it got more complex the mouth movement starts vibrating around the mouth area. I've been observing the evolution of Visemes for years and their associated thumbnails to help identify to users what the face expression...More
I do not model in triangles specifically because quads make weight painting easier than triangles, but every mesh that I import is automatically triangulated in CC4. This and the automatic Tesselation make it difficult to accurately weight paint in CC3. Because it's triangulated, you can no...More