Customer Support advised me to report this here. This is a detailed report concerning Issue 11230 First, customer support thought Issue 11230 could be solved by disabling Mipmapping, but...More
I do not know if this is a bug, but it appears like one to me. When an imported character is too small (couldt find out from which size on) and you import another object, for instance an obj eyeball as accessory, them move it around, scale it etc. all over sudden the gizmo inverts intself...More
Instead of moving selected bones joint (like with CC Base Characters), the entire FK chain is getting moved. I remember it was working correctly before and looks like was invalidated with one of the updates. While we are at it, the symmetry selection needs to be enabled here as well. At least...More
When clicking on "Member" in the Help Menu of CC44 it opens a browser window. There when clicking on "Login" i get the massage seen in the picture. Can not proceed further. This happens on Win10 even with firewall disabled, not on Win7 (Firewall enabled)...More
Hi! I'm seeing problems related to the shaders when exporting CC4 autosetup to Unreal Engine. For example, this black character I made adjustments to the chest area using skinGen and the chest looks different in Unreal than in CC4 in "lit mode" - it appears a lot darker and doesn't match...More
The example char was created with CC4,32. The bug did not appear on CC432. When Importing into CC4,4 Jacket or trousers or both become black RANDOMLY. When using this Char in an Iclone 8.4 project, when loading the project into iclone, the cloth also randomly turns black. I discovered that...More
Windows 7 I wonder RL hasent learned from a CT5 bug i have reported long time ago. Exactly the same now happens to CC4.4. Ealier versions do not show this misbehave....More
Hello, After I have loaded an image and checked "Activate sculpt morph" the sliders on the right of the screen do work but I can't use the area's on the head of my character with my mouse. It doesn't work. See image in attachment....More
I started a new project in CC4 with a Neutral FCCAVatar base model. I made no changes to the base model, exported it with the Maya preset. It came into Maya with the Rotate X -90 Y 0 Z 0. The Translate X Y Z should be all at "0" I believe? Also my models are not symmetrical, all are Asymmetrical...More
I spend hours and hours and hours and hours on a headmesh with headshot 2.01 , regularily saved the project, mistakely closed the mesh to head window, mesh to head window was gone, no way to bring it back. ( Stupidly thought the HS ini data would be saved together with the project) When closing...More