On a specific project in Unreal when importing characters using the CC Setup tool, the characters are not loading their skin when trying to display them as either HQ or LW Shaders. Standard shader will display correctly. But when switching to either HQ or LW the skin's are just white, head...More
Headshot must retire the outdated 1k (horrible results) and 4k textures and replace, or provide the user with the option to choose, 8k textures! The purpose of software is to make life easy. Currently, headshot has too many options that must be tweaked to get the face looking similar to the...More
I'm reopening and extending an issue I brought up earlier in FT 2063. For some reason I have not been able to make myself clear. So I will try again. This concerns CC3 characters to be used in iClone, which need collision shapes. My ideal CC collision shape profile is Natalie (see CS_Natalie...More
Hello, I'm a fairly new user to Character Creator, so apologies if there is an obvious answer, but my smart gallery has failed to appear after I've reinstalled Character Creator. I decided to install CC on my desktop (Win10) and installed the updated version 3.3 instead of the 3.0 which I...More
Hi Devs, even though I like the direction of the SkinGen Premium but overall I'm not happy with my purchase.. it could be way better than it is using displacement. I know from experience in order to create the bumpy look with normal maps that you need to have a hi & low poly version of the...More
Hey guys Just purchased the next tier up after getting a previous version refunded, now I am content. I have attacked RLDownloaderMgr.log and RLLauncher.log as well as a screen shot of the error Thank you...More
Original Question I was following the RealIlusions tutorial on exporting CC3 Character to Blender and rigging it with auto rig pro. But you can rig the character because the character's feet don't import on the ground plane the bone does with the character above it. Auto rig pro only works...More
For character Creator to become more or less complete this would allow rapid change and complexity. 1. The creator would likely have to choose a preset for performance limiting constrains (how many parts can be used) This could include a new format: Non Human V2 which could be used with mocap...More
HI CC3 needs a rigging system, coz, it can't up hold daz' rigs as they are to complicated for it, and if you change the shoulders or or lower leg bones in cc3 the models becomes severely distorted. which is why it needs it's OWN RIGGING SYSTEM ONE THAT CAN COMPETE IN COMPLEXITY TO DAZ!...More