CC3 don't launch with the newest nVidia driver (441.28 - 11/18/2019). Start screen appears then nothing. i have this issue for some versions. This bug is kind of old, and there are already closed bug reports. I also tryed the newest, normal nVidia Game Ready driver....More
Character Creator 3.04 is getting stuck on the login screen. After about 10 minutes it will tell me Login Failed. I have used multiple accounts to try to sign in, and nothing works....More
The game base model has some really ugly looking seams at the UV borders. This is caused by the exported normal maps. If you switch them off the diffuse looks fine. This is particularly noticeable around the arms. This occurs with any model converted to "game base" even custom sculpts. Please...More
I'm reopening and extending an issue I brought up earlier in FT 2063. For some reason I have not been able to make myself clear. So I will try again. This concerns CC3 characters to be used in iClone, which need collision shapes. My ideal CC collision shape profile is Natalie (see CS_Natalie...More
After I changed my membership criteria from "free" to "prime as directed, I didn't have issues using the software, which I fully paid for. I run a 3060TI RTX graphics card; spec wise would allow me more freedom to create stuff as opposed to the 1060 card that teased the crap out of me. Having...More
When I follow the tutorial for importing CC3 characters into UE4 exactly as specified the elbows appear off and sometimes become all wonky (most notably when using the paragon shinbi character animation 'levelstart'. I have the most updated install of the engine and plugin and used a clean...More
1. I am using the Merge Textures option in CC3 as I want to use the model as a game character. 2. However, the face is too small in the texture atlas. Finger nails take up more space than the face. I have posted this on your forum, and somebody suggested I should file a bug report which I...More
I was following along in CC3 with the Reallusion YouTube video, iClone 6 Tutorial - Custom Clothing Design with Professional Outfits, using the same MedEx character/outfit when I encountered a problem. Kai gets to the point of swapping out the custom MedEx logo decal with an image of the McDonald...More