Good afternoon. At the moment in the CC3 program it is not possible to delete mesh tongue. At the same time, eyes, teeth, etc. are removed. Could you make this possible for the tongue?...More
I've tried exporting poses with FBX problem Baked Poses (animation) don't seem to bake out at frame 0.. T-poses are the only default. exporting a pose as the default is ideal for painting in other programs.. it makes it easier to get into painting but also to go further and easily isolate areas...More Software must make use of the latest technological advances. CC3 and Headshot plugin must leave the hundreds of buttons and sliders for nit picking, rather improving upon a "less than 7 user mouse clicks" solution to arrive at an amazing (minimum...More
When the editor is off smooth state renders normal. If wireframe was added to smooth mode intentionally it's really hard to see the smoothness of the mesh. I prefer to look at the lighting on the mesh as as more of an accurate guide as to how smooth the surface is when sculpting and is easier...More
Can you please, please, make the autosetup for Unity and Unreal open source!!! Please let us make your tools usable for production of "real" games, so we can fix the broken auto setup pipeline our self, and add all the lacking features and options in that system... Best regards...More
The problem is that in VR apps we are needing to use ForwardRendering for performance, meaning important things like subsurface scattering and HDRi lighting aren't available to us. I know baking that stuff in as color info isn't the real thing but much better than not having it at all. Right...More
Create a character in CC3+ - I used the standard/default female, and added airbangs as the hairstyle. Nothing else was changed. I then followed the Unreal export tutorial to import into my unreal engine 4.27.2...More
Hi Devs, this is a real big pain to have to work with, sometimes creators may not know what sliders are default with Character Creator and this creates a BIG problem for creators and customer support when creators find this issue. I don't want to have to redo work if I create content for customers...More
So this is sort of an old bug refreshed. You all know about the issue when importing some character (Daz in that case) that the Eyes are not closing completely. Two known ways of fixing it:...More