Hello! I have fbx file wirh character. I need to animate it in iclone. I have finished all steps in Characterization Mode with bone structure then i want to make Mapping Facial Bones. With eyes is ok, but jaw bones not. I choose jaw bones for jaw map but jaw bones dont't move the jaw. I cant...More
hello The update 7.45 3DXchnage does not import the face bones properly. you can not move anything in the face. The same figure Gnenesis 2 in CC3 it ok. CC3 imports the facial bones correctly. I cant import a Genesis Charcter with 3DXchnage properly...More
Exported Daz Genesis 3 characters that have the latest facekey DUF applied no longer automatically get their face shapes assigned in 3dXchange expression editor. Head movement works but nothing else. This makes it practically impossible to use Genesis 3 characters as mapping all the shapes...More
I uploaded the obj file into 3dxchange, And after cliecked select all to go to “open” and import a texture, It ran very smooth. I saved it into an fbx file and tried importing It to mixamo. Then it started glitching COMPLETELY! In mixamo the whole face is glitching every time it moves. Did...More
I am working with a character exported from DAZ who's exported facial morphs no longer match what I am seeing inside of 3DXchange. In the attached images, you can see the 'Ah' viseme applied to character inside of 3DXchange and MODO respectively. For the latter, you can see the lower lip goes...More
https://www.dropbox.com/s/bk0uamc96h8pqzq/zbrush%20ready%20shapekeys%20with%20hair%20fixed%20for%20iclone.fbx%20-%20iClone%203DXchange%207%202019-11-30%2006-02-41.mp4?dl=0 If I unistall the software and reinstall it works for a little bit but then it stops working and crashes everytime You...More
each time i try to set an expression it crashes wasnt like this in previous version also that happens when i try to add morphs on a part of the body...More
Daz Extension does not map However, while all the morphs come over to 3DXchange, none are "Set" in the Expression Editor (except for the head and eye movements that 3DXchange creates automatically). I have to manually Set all Visemes, Muscles, etc. 1. Add _iCloneFaceKey.duf to respective Genesis...More
hello! I'm having serious trouble with 3dxchange! I'm importing a model used by Daz gen3 and gen8. When prompted it asks if I would like to convert to a non standard talking character and I click yes. than after it loads, the non standard button is highlighted and the facial expression key...More