3dxchange doesn't open. Splash screen, for a sec, then nothing. Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700HQ CPU. Nvidia Geforce GTX 1070 graphics card. updated driver. tried the dpi scaling setting to no avail....More
Hi, As others have reported my 3Dxchange Pipeline crashes on startup. I get the splash screen then the main window opens for a split second in the upper left and immediately closes/crashes. No error is reported or anything. I read every post on this and tried everything - reinstalling, clean...More
I’m surprised that a problem that has been reported since 2017 is still not resolved (https://www.reallusion.com/FeedBackTracker/Issue/Mixamo-fbx-import-issue and https://www.reallusion.com/FeedBackTracker/Issue/unable-to-export-FBX-mocap-from-Mixamo-to-iClone). I followed these 2 tutorials...More
I've used 3DXChange last week when it wasn't updated to Version 7.5 and when I imported any sort of Character it worked perfectly fine. I have a mixamo rigged character and now that I've updated to Version 7.5 the program crashed on Import. It gets stuck on the last step Converting Real-time...More
I installed 3dx 7.2 and it crashes. Saw on the forums that C++ redist was the issue. So, I removed it and reinstalled iclone 7 and 3dx 7 latest version. 3dx still crashes. I have attached the log file....More
This is what I've had to do to get it to work, after reading a number of comments and reloading the software time and time again. (1) I load 3DX 7 - Dx11.reg, then launch it from the bin folder and I get a message Load MSX error, but it loads and works? I close it down, try and launch it from...More
As soon as i updated my 3dXchange from version 7.01 to 7.02, my 3dXchange doesn't even open. The initial logo of 3dXchange 7 shows up and then it automatically crashes and the program gets closed....More
Hi, I already patched the EXE so it can handle 4Gb, without it, most of the items will not import. With the following 2 files, I will get an error about unknown file after a while...More
Hi. I have outlined the issue with the FBX animation export below. I have attached the replication project files here. Please fix it ASAP. This is a bug of the highest severity. It makes 3dxchange unusable. Unable to attach project. So, sharing the gdrive upload link. https://drive.google.com...More