3DXchange 7
Not Reproducible
Issue 5281
3Dxchange won't launch
3dxchange doesn't open. Splash screen, for a sec, then nothing.
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700HQ CPU. Nvidia Geforce GTX 1070 graphics card. updated driver. tried the dpi scaling setting to no avail.
OS: Windows 10
  •  5
  •  1869
Submitted byKTeitsort
I have literally been trying to get 3DX to run on my system for 3 years now. I have NEVER gotten it to work. I get a directx error every time I try and open it.

I have been screaming for Reallusion to update that app to directx11 for years now, to no avail.

THEN I find that there has been a version for directx11 for years already - and the link is broken. The original poster never even responded, but I'm sitting here desperate.

I am having this exact same problem opening 3DX on a PC with Windows 10pro. I have uninstalled and reinstalled several times and when I try to open it the start up window flashes for a second and then closes. It seems to have the functionality in Ap but I am unable to open 3DX as a stand alone to convert DAZ characters for instance. Help!!!
Feedback Tracker Admin
Hi, Karen,

To solve the crash on launch issue of 3DXchange 7, we have build a special test version of 3DXchange 7 to use DirectX 11 mode, we need to confirm that whether this approach of solution is feasible on your computer?

Please download the zip file with the link below, extract it on your Desktop. There is a readme in the zip file, simply described how to switch between DX9 and DX11 mode. Please try the DX11 mode and let us know whether this version of 3DX7 is launch-able?

Please note that this version of 3DX7 is an unstable version, it is still under testing, DO NOT overwrite the original 3DX7 installed in your computer, and DO NOT use it in your daily work. It contains bugs, for example, currently it will fail loading fbx file. Also please ignore the "Load msx Error" message while launching 3DX7 for DX11.

3DX7 Pipeline for DX11

You only need to help us confirm whether the 3DX7 in DX11 mode is launch-able on your computer.

Your help is highly appreciated.

Feedback Tracker Admin
Hi Karen,

Can you provide your System Information File and the Startup Log of 3DXchange to us?

Feedback Tracker Admin
Hi, Karen,

Please attach the System Information File and the Startup Log of 3DXchange to us in your next comment to help us identify the problem.

Here is the description about how to get your System Information File.

Download the zip file with the link below, inside the zip you can find the description about how to generate the startup log and crash dump.
