iClone 8
Released in 8.51
Issue 11498
Cutting expression clips in 8.5 using Break deletes all expression data
Since updating to 8.5 I am unable to cut expression clips without losing all my expression animation. When I attempt to cut an expression clip in two using Break in the right-click menu of a clip on the timeline the first half gets a strange new arrow icon and the second half loses all its data assuming a fully blank expression. All subsequent cuts are similarly blank. It does not appear to delete actual keys (since keys are still visible on the timeline), but all expression is gone.

See attached video for demonstration.
OS: Windows 10
  •  7
  •  310
Submitted byDialogueTrainer
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Yes I have been having the same problem all day. I am trying to cut lines of dialogue out and all of a sudden lips movements are minmalised. I've tried, unsuccessfully, to outsmart the bug.
Possibly related issue: after having worked around this bug with import-export to complete the editing of a scene I ran into another problem when making the final exports to Motionplus. While the export mostly seemed correct the starting pose of the transition animation had the neck and head pointing in a different direction (as if some expression or motion data was left out on export) which meant that the clip did not connect correctly to the other clip which it was meant to match exactly. Until this is fixed export is unusable for me since I cannot rely on it producing the same result as what I was seeing in the my Project file in iClone.
Same ! It needs to be fixed asap. I had to pause a working project because of that bug...
Agree, can't work now on my projects in this state. To me it's the hair, and props, that dissapear when near. Need to roll back to previous version too
Initially I thought this did not happen when using Break on a newly imported Motionplus clip that has not yet been split, but on further testing the same bug occurs even in that scenario.
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