We would like to be able to do a quick lighting change across an entire episode of project files when decisions have changed. Additionally, It would be very helpful if the lighting environment include separate HDR sun, sky and cloud layers that can be animated....More
I would like to set a slider to a sound frequency and make that slider move every time a frequency goes over a certain threshold. Say for instance, I wanted a light to blink every time the subwoofer or kick hits. instead of having to manually and tediously try to find each beat that doesn't...More
I've presented the idea of creating presets for Characters that have cloned CC3+ bones such as leg, arm, neck/head and hand hierarchies so the body parts can be switched and accessed for mocap of complex characters. I hope Reallusion will adopt it and future proof it with AI video Motion Capture...More
1. Open Tabs Create a Hit on Frame Rate - How to check? use iClone's FPS counter and start closing Tabs. My suggestion is to either auto hide tabs when the mouse is over the viewport or use let users create and save tab & layout presets that are related to the workflow. (Work Flow Preset) While...More
OK so I can’t seem to understand why you’re more focused on unreal and it seems like Iclone8 is just a $500 unreal plug-in I see you doing more tutorials on using iClone in conjunction with Live links and unreal but unreal is a free piece of software, so I am a bit confused on why you’re focused...More
As I learned from a previous Feedback post I created, that several functions have to be changed in order to get 100% darkness which isn't very intuitive and doesn't make sense if you only want to make your scene completely void of light. current solution: Change Ambient light to black, 0...More
It would be a lot more useful if in the pose mixer, you can mask out body parts with more specificity, as opposed to how it is now where you can only mask the whole torso, or a whole arm, or a whole leg. This would especially be useful with the torso, since the root can radically alter the...More
Hi Reallusion Team, Motion Director is fantastic! I have a major request, what I would love to see is use Motion Director for animating cars in the scene so that you drive the car either using the keyboard, control pad etc. With the ability to drive, stop, turn, drift and also (if possible...More