Since I updated to 4.2 the clothing skin weights seem to be bugged. The default shape of the clothing is always in A-Pose (not the ones that are available to use as poses but that weird one that has the legs close to each other, which is used with GO-Z). So when I try to paint weight, the...More
Button "Attach to Body" in Headshot 2 = NOT ACTIVE the Button - never turns to Green - color it was working - before I upgraded to the latest 4.52...More
Steps 1. Both character and clothing with physics enabled is set to self collision on modify tab ( to test cloth on cloth collision) -no rigid collisions enabled. In project settings, soft Vs soft collision is enabled. I also have the shader set to quick just in case CC4 is struggling with...More
When I used the PN3 mocap data I tried utilizing the auto import motion option in the CC4 program. The issue when importing the data is the shoulders are very squared. I used the PN3 profile. When I import my mocap from PN3s Axis studio to unreal engine however, the shoulders are perfect, which...More
I have been experiencing a lot of issues when using transformer with Genesis 8 figures and CC4. I have saved screenshots that detail what I am experiencing and I will try to explain the issues as best I can. It is worth noting that I am not getting these issues using CC3 and the same FBX...More
CC 452 Building Morph Slider Cache on Each Program Start even it says "One time operation" on the Logo while starting the program. CC could start faster if this would not happen on each start. IIRC this did not happen on earlier versions like 433. Screenshot cant be taken because the Text indicating...More
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen Since updating IC8 to 8.5 and CC4 to 4.5, both programs crash when loading hair from my content These hair pieces, which I converted from fiber mesh hair from DAZ Studio, among other things, were no problem loading in the previous versions....More
I select my character or Body, then choose facial profile editor, then launch its GoZ option to sculpt faces but waits a few seconds, cursor disappears, then crashes. I'm using a custom created character, and I'm aiming to submit it to the Character contest. I've used minimal mode on both...More