More of a feature request than an issue but it's very time consuming to manually convert cc4 expressions into the 52 apple Blend shapes. If y'all had a profile that we could just switch to that was compatible with them it would make CC4 more universal than it already is....More
We have one feature wish for the Headspace plug-in. It would be amazing if you could feed more than one photo into it to create the face. Particularly a side view of the face, that would save a lot of time sculpting the model. Perhaps even 5 photo’s? Frontal, 45 degrees from both sides, and...More
Export to the new set of mannequin bones which has unreal 5. The unreal 5 mannequin and metahumans have a new bone structure and all the examples released by unreal (Lyra, Mannequins Pack, etc) use that new system.
In the morph animator and or morph creator, there should be separate sliders for the left side and the right side. If you want your character to flex one arm only, you can't. Or if you want your character to show swelling from an injury to one leg or arm, you can't. If you have separate sliders...More
Hello, I have a question, I don't know if this is a bug or a change that seems to me to be completely unnecessary and more useful for fast work in REallusion programs. In CC3/IC7 when I need to rename for example the name of an avatar or any other item, - it is enough to double-click the...More
Adjustments made in materials using the Digital Human Eye shader are lost when exporting to FBX from both Character Creator 4 and iClone 8. STR: - create / import a character in character Creator 4 (I used CC4 Kevin.ccAvatar from the Characters pack for this test)...More
Please. Add "Lock position" option when loading Accurig Data file. At this moment accurig always use the bounding box to place the loaded accurig data. This behaviour is really bad in production. Look at the picture called "Old_Vs_NewCharacter". There is only minor variation in shape...More
Hi, I upgraded from Character Creator 3 to 4 and noticed the blend shape channels were renamed in CC4, which can really screw up a pipeline. Please, please, please don't change the names of your blend shape channels. I now have to spend hours trying to find the channels that once were...More
The morph creator in iclone is outdated, and makes more sense to be integrated into CC4-- and it should be done in a way to more easily micromanage clothing and body morphs with the same functionality by which CC4 can now handle facial morphs and facial profiles....More