like in daz studio be able to export to fbx files the morphs targets from CC3, in my opnion this is one of the big miss of character creator, being able to export the morphs direct from CC can make easy and fast build characters customization in game, this is being for me a big problem in using...More
All my sculpting was baked before the conversion to CC3 base plus even though the converter does it as well. The toes and nails sculpted the same way are completely fine. I've tested the conversion to the 4k preset and normal and there is no difference. In the image below I've sent both...More
Importing Daz G8 character through Transformer leads to issue with eyelash not fitting properly, as it merely places a CC3 base lash in an approximated position. Recommendation - allow the shape of the lash to morph though automatically so that it properly fits the actual G8 eyelid-shape transferred...More
No matter the character or asset i;m not able to save a custom asset. In the past i had no problem with this as i already got a few hair assets saved in the custom tab. But im trying to save a new one and no matter what section in the content tab im in i cant save a custom asset. Help please...More
The eyelash is a huge problem when trying to create highly optimised models for Unity. When using tools within Unity to optimise your models, the eyelashes end up as opaque blocks, unless they are given their own mesh and material. This means 2 additional draw calls (4 when lighting is applied...More
Headshot is great, and the "Image Matching Tool" is very useful. SUGGESTION/REQUEST: Please add support to use a PROFILE (SIDE) IMAGE for additional *manual* refinement....More
I have attached a Morph Target OBJ and key zip file created from a real body scan so you can recreate the issue. Our pipeline worked fine with the previous CC3.3+ nude base female. When creating a morph slider using the NEW CC3.4 base nude female it appears that the SW is not properly scaling...More
I bought Ultimate Morphs and I'm VERY unhappy with the big watermark you put right in the middle of screen. It's a huge distraction when creating characters. Why do you treat paying customers so badly?!...More
I would love for CC3 characters to have some nice Joint Controlled/ corrective Morphs. Their joints are really freaky looking when bent. Fingers, knees, and elbows should not look like bent plastic straws, if they had good joint morphs set up. It causes extremely limited movement options for...More
Not sure if this pre-existed in 3.2x or not as I haven't done much in the way of CC3 morphs until recently. However this new problem exists not only with importing avatar obj's exported from CC3 and altered in Zbrush, and imported to create morph sliders. It also happens with avatars exported...More