If you fix the blink with the autoblink correction of CC3, the morph doesnt be saved and doesnt transfer to 3dxchange so we can export it and modify it further if you press the morph in 3dxchange , it changes back to the old morph, not the fixed one from CC3...More
Hi love CC3, But love it more if we could have an export update to GOZ, that could put the legs into an A-Pose as well as the arms, also to be able to export at a higher resolution, or be able to work and sculpt with a higher res, back and forth from CC3? Hope this is possible and that you...More
UV island margins should be in place for Insta LOD UV generated maps. They are too close to each other and in some instances are crossing. The makes impossible to generate Physix weight maps for anything decimated and baked. See screenshots......More
I know you have change it a few times already, but that is not sufficient enough. Users are constantly asking the same questions over and over at the forum. Seems everyone is confused about importing characters, accessories and cloth....More
All I did was update the software after a newly purchased license. I was able to run the software once then it would not open again after I closed that session. It does not show up in task manager at all......More
Hi Just a suggestion, but one i think that would really benefit CC3 users, and that is to add a rigging system to CC3. It makes sense, as it is a character creator. What better way to fortify that than with a character rigging system?...More